Security Hazard Handling

1 min read
last change: 9-6-2023

Security Hazard

A Security Hazard is any known flaw or configuration that can lead to a Security Incident.

Security Hazards can be classified according to the Security Incident they can cause:

1CriticalUnidentified or identified people or systems are actively abusing the system with data becoming publicly available, data getting destroyed or manipulated outside system functionality or sabotaging system functionality.
2HighUnidentified people or systems can use functionality and manipulate data outside their intended scope.
3MediumIdentified people or systems can use functionality and manipulate data outside their intended scope.
4LowIdentified people or systems can read data that is outside their intended scope.

How to act when a Security Hazard has been noticed:

  1. Contact the Operators through Teams to understand if the issue is known.
  2. When the issue is not known, create a User Story.
  3. Add a tag to the bug: “security hazard”.
  4. Mention the Data Protection Officer in the description, so the DPO is informed.
  5. Inform the Product Owner so the normal work procedure can be followed.
  6. The Product Owner should be aware of the Time To Resolve requirements for Security Hazards.

Time To Resolve for Security Hazards

severityTime To Resolve in working days
1Critical5 days
2High20 days
3Medium60 days
4Low240 days

It is always possible to re-evaluate the severity before resolving a hazard.

published on: 9-6-2023
Secure Software Development
Security Incident Handling